Changes and cancellation

This contract of sale, may not be changed or cancelled by Buyer except with the written permission of the Seller.Seller may cancel any order at any time, without penalty, upon written notice to Buyer.


The contract value is fixed, including but not limited to product price, package charge, freight, insurance expense, tax, etc. Buyer shall pay full amount in advance.


Shipment of the order will be subject to current availability, priority and scheduling requirements, changes in production schedules, export or other license requirements and governmental orders or directives. Seller shall not be liable for unavoidable delays in delivery caused indirectly or directly or in any manner by fires, flood, accidents, riots, acts of God, war, governmental interference, embargoes, strikes, labor difficulties, shortage of labor, fuel power, materials or supplies, transportation delays, or any other cause or causes (whether or not similar in nature to any of those herein before specified) either beyond its control or which it cannot remedy without economic hardship.


The standard of goods quality is subject to the Seller's product manuals. Should the delivered goods do not comply to the standard, the Seller shall take repairing or reduce the price; should repaired goods fail to satisfy the standard after two times of repairing within the warranty period (stipulated by Clause 7), the Seller shall make a substitute; Should the substituted goods still fail to satisfy the standard, the Buyer may terminate the contract.

Packing and cost

The Seller packs the delivered goods in usual package manner as carton or wooden case, which is suitable for warehousing and transportation under usual conditions, the expense of this package shall not be charged to the Buyer.



The Seller shall make transportation in a safe and economical way, at his own risk and cost.


The Buyer shall inspect the goods immediately after it arrives at the designated place. The Buyer shall notify the Seller immediately of the obvious and apparent defect upon receipt of the goods; shall notify the Seller within one week after receipt of goods if the defect is rather than obvious and apparent; where the Buyer delayed in notifying the Seller, the goods is deemed to pass the acceptance inspection. 


The Seller provides the quality warranty period of 12 months from the date of shipment. The parts and consumable goods are not under warranty.


1)  Should the Seller delay in delivery, he shall notify the Buyer 3 days in advance before delivery.The Buyer shall agree to postpone the performance on the condition that the Seller pay the liquidated damages, at an amount of 0.5% of delayed goods value at every 7 days. But the total sum, however, shall not exceed 5% of the contract amount. In case the delay is over 10 weeks, the Buyer may terminate the contract.

2)  Should the Buyer delay in payment, the Seller shall agree to postpone the performance on the condition that the Buyer pay the liquidated damages, at an amount of 0.5% of delayed payment at every 7 days. But the total sum, however, shall not exceed 5% of the total contract amount. In case the delay is over 10 weeks, the Seller may terminate the contract.

Force Majeure

Both parties can be free of the liability in case any breaching contract is caused by force majeure or export control examination on the contractual goods.

Export Control

The contracted goods shall not be used in the field of WMD; the Buyer shall provide certificate for end user and end use in necessary.

Dispute Settlement

All disputes arising from the execution of, or in the connection with this contract, shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached under negotiation, either party may bring a suit to the People’s Court at Seller’s place.


Should the product be updated resulting from the Seller’s manufacturing requirement, the Seller shall offer updated product. Should this update implicate other contract clauses, the two parties shall come into mutual agreement separately.

Request form
Dear customer,

we are always eager to provide best service and quality. However, it cannot be ruled out, that product related questions occur. To assist you with any product related question we created a request form which enables you to contact us in the most convenient way. To retrieve the request form, please use the link below.

In cases of general questions related to our online shop, please read the shop rules first.

Best regards,
Your Leybold Team

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